I didn’t post yesterday because I didn’t really have much of anything to post about. So I gathered up some various scraps of photos and things to cobble together a post for today.
Chase was out of town this weekend so I mostly just cleaned up the living space, organized some stuff. Played some video games. Went to Joann Saturday which is where most of this is going to come from. Water warmed up enough again to swim a bit.
So, at Joanns, I was looking for Ariel and Belle stuff. Didn’t really find anything but did manage to spend some money.
First look at this cute Star Wars fabric!

OMG. Luke Han Leia and Chewie front and center?! I’ll take it!
I got 3 yards so I have plenty to play with if I decide to make a skirt… or a bag. I dunno yet.

I also got 2 yards of this because how could I not.

And a yard of this!
Some of this random cotton will probably end up as corset lining for Ariel. I was going to maybe use some for Belle, but I’m not making a new corset for Belle, so I don’t know if it’ll be usable.

I also got 4 yards of this, the same stuff I used for Tinkerbell but this one is pink/green. I thought that was so perfect for Ariel even if it’s totally NOT the aesthetic I’m going for. I thought maybe I could do some lower petticoat ruffles out of it so it’s visible when I walk.
I also got a swatch of a white on white tonal stripe they had there to do a dye test. It seemed like it was all natural fabric, burnt like all natural fabric. So I threw it in some dye as a test and…

One stripe soaks it right up, the other didn’t. UGH. I want the stripes to be really close in tone. I liked that this one had different textures of the stripes and I thought that would look neat, but one not taking like the other is not going to work.
I was digging for another option of white-on-white stripes today (because I’ve given up on green-on-green)— and actually found some green-on-green. It looks like the size might be nice, it’s all natural… my only concern is it seems really “dingy” green looking whereas I wanted a very saturated mossy green. But it’s called “moss” green so I’m hoping it looks better in person. Fingers crossed.

Since I have nothing else to be able to work on at the moment, I pulled out Leia to try to remember the changes I wanted to make.

I tooooootally spaced on getting my iron-on interfacing for both Crait Leia and ANH Leia’s collars at Joann. SAD. Going to dig around and see if I have enough somewhere to just do this collar. I want to pop it off, apply the interfacing, put it back on, and then also open up the bottom hems and redo them by hand.
I think I mentioned taking them up a bit, too – I can do that while I have the bottom open and the collar off.
I’m still kinda just wanting to totally remake it but we’ll see.
I do have some new art for today.
These are all, once again, all based on concepts for Padme.

I’m not just CRAZY about this one but it was fun. It looks like some design for a mage from some old 8 bit game.

This one was based off one of my faaaaaav pieces of concept art (had it as my desktop for a long time probably a decade + ago, I don’t know why I remember that but everytime I see it it makes me think of that…) and I’m really pleased with how it came out, esp her face.

Hot off the press, this one was based on a ROTS design that was done by Sang Jun Lee. Tried to stay true to the white designs as I could and left the whole robe with a little more of a hard painted look than I normally do.